This repeater is located on a broadcast tower located in Malmo, NC at 34° 14.626 N and 078° 07.348 West or about 10 miles west of downtown Wilmington in FM-04. It transmits a tone of 88.5hz and if needed due to interference a tone of 88.5hz is required for access. The tone access remains off at most times. The repeater consists of the following equipment:
- GE Master II transceiver modified for repeater use
- Computer Automation Technology CAT-1000 controller
- Decibel Products DB-212-4 antenna at 600 feet.
- Wacom WP-609 duplexers
- Astron RM-50M power supply
- Andrews LDF-50A feed line
Commands open to the public are as follows:
- 725* - to hear your signal as recorded at the repeater.
- 400 - to get the current time
- 375 - to test your radio's DTMF